Fashion News:

Midnight 00, a luxury brand of style


What makes a moment magical is the dream that makes us live that experience and with our imagination we travel towards a horizon that satisfies our happiness. However, letting oneself be carried away by imagination is not always a dream, because Ada Kokosar, creative director and designer of the young Midnight 00 brand, has been able to turn a dream into reality. His capsule collection of shoes is the purest interpretation: beautiful, elegant, refined, her shoes are the dream to wear and that every woman wants to own.

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After a long career in the fashion industry where she was noticed by the most important companies in the luxury footwear sector and for which she collaborated, Ada Kokosar decided to launch her brand that immediately caught the attention of important buyers and international media.

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Her shoe collections evoke passion and elegance.
Even if the brand is very young, it is easy to perceive that it will soon become a "must-have", conquering the market all over the world, where luxury, stylistic research, elegance and modernity are the keywords of this exclusive brand.

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